Tinplate is commonly known as "Ma Kou Tie" in Chinese, which is a transliteration from Macao as Macao is the major port for the import of tin plates into China.
Currently, all tinplate products in use are electrolytic tinplate (ETP) and tin free steel (TFS), which are important raw materials for manufacturing metal pack.
Lithography Tinplate means the colors are printed in the surface of electrolytic tinplate (ETP) or tin free steel (TFS) by special and modern machine, like Fuji Printer.
Founded in 2017, Zhangzhou Minjia Trade Co., Ltd. is the professional metal pack solution supplier in China.
Zhangzhou Minjia Trading Co., Ltd.
Support By Hangzhou Great Master
Room 404, Unit 9, Phase 3, Zhong Jun Blue Bay, LongWen District, ZhangZhou City, FuJian Prov, China.
+86-596-2109 639
+86-596-2108 639
+86-181 6092 6161